蘇大珊 說:你正在看動畫嗎?
吳恩存 說:沒有啊
蘇大珊 說:那為啥回我回那麼慢
吳恩存 說:我剛剛看一個段落去弄羅伯
蘇大珊 說:羅伯是誰
吳恩存 說:白蘿蔔
蘇大珊 說:=..= 選個字啊!!!我以為你對羅伯做了什麼~
吳恩存 說:又不是你
順帶一提,有位外國演員叫做Chuck Norris (查克羅禮士),人稱B級動作片之王,自從聖誕夜那晚在電視上跟羅禮士有過一面之緣後,從此只要一提羅禮士三個字就能痛擊吳恩存笑點,請大家務必親自試試看,非常地有趣唷!!而當我看到"羅伯"兩個字的時候,也一度以為是吳恩存對羅禮士先生的暱稱,以至於"弄羅伯"這三個字讓我忍不住抖了一下...
以下附上幾個羅禮士笑話供大家笑笑~~ (不要笑太大聲,不然羅禮士會來給你一記roundhouse kick!!)
u When Chuck Norris was born, the only person who cried was the doctor. Never slap Chuck Norris.
u Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.
u People have often asked the United States, What is your secret weapon against terrorists? We simply reply...Chuck Norris.
u Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks people in the face first and asks questions later.
u In Desert Storm the reason why the Iraqi army surrendered so quickly because they knew Chuck Norris was coming.
u Chuck Norris has never looked a baby in the eyes cause it might him cry but if he does it also makes him want to punch a baby.
u Chuck Norris does not know about this website. If he did he would have just deleted the internet.
u Chuck Norris's sweat has burned holes in concrete.
u There are four legal methods of execution in the United States: lethal injection, gas chamber, electric chair and Chuck Norris.
u Earth's emergency defence plan in case of alien invasion is Chuck Norris.
u Chuck Norris doesnt use after shave, he uses liquid hot magma.